Monday, May 9, 2011

Prague, Czech Republic to Presov, Slovakia Republic

May 6, 2011
This morning the group met up for our trek to the train station.  The train ride was about 9 hours to from Praha (Prague), Czech to Kosice, Slovakia. The official train stops are Praha-Liben, Kolin, Pardubice, Ceska Trebova, Olomouc, Hranice Na Morave, Valasske Mezirici, Vestin, Horni Lidec, Puchov, Povazska Bystrica, Zilina, Liptovsky, Strba, Poprad-Tatry, Spisska Nova Ves and Kysak before arriving in Kosice We were happy to have a car with an extra seat and lots of room for our luggage.  The halls were packed with standing passengers for some parts of the trip, so we kept the door closed and sometime the curtains too.  It kinda made us feel like snobs but it was weird to have them staring in at us.  The bathroom floor smells pretty bad and is covered in piss.  The food card is about 3 cars away from us.  It’s a bit cold in their but its there’s a pretty good selection.   

We got our proposals back for our final paper for this course.  I wasn’t excited knowing that I have to deal with more school work.  I am studying food while I am here, which you would think would be a very easy topic but it’s much more complex then talk about flavours.  I am still trying to get a good grasp of how I am look at the social phenomenon that occurs around the consumption of food.  I still have half a book to read, a couple articles and some studying to do for my exam.  I am so over school at this moment, and wishing this trip had nothing to do with it.

We finally arrived in Kosice and then jumped on another bus for about 20-30 mins to Presov.  David (the teacher) treated us to dinner, with the money left from being over charged for the course.

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