Saturday, April 30, 2011

Catching up with family in Niagara (late easter dinner)

April 29, 2011
Miguel came home in the middle of the night with a couple of his friends, making it sounds like there was a parade going through the hallway outside of my room.  The guys all slept in the tv room for the rest of night, being just as loud in the morning.  We all went out for some good old greasy silks breakfast before hitting up Peachtrees for a very short and freezing cold game of golf.  In the evening Miguel came with me to meet up with a few cousin’s and Lindsey’s place.  We hung out an chatted it up for a while until we head marble slab and pizza pizza calling us and headed out for a little road trip.  It definitely hit the stop and was a good way to end a great night of visiting.

April 30, 2011
After a couple weeks of exams, traveling for volunteer work and my stomach not liking me I haven’t been getting in a lot of gym time and have been craving a run. I finally got one in this morning.  I hit up my regular route though the town stopping off at my Oma’s to see what time I should come by to help her out preparing dinner later in the evening.  Miguel and mom were at home ready for me to make some French toast so we could try out my mom and Joe’s homemade maple syrup before I took off to go back to my Oma’s place.  Most of the Family was there and I hadn’t seen some of them since the summer so it was nice to catch up.  Oma and Miguel enjoyed their Whiskey pretty early in the evening and a few of us finished up with a little acoustic jam session.

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