Monday, May 2, 2011

Niagara, ON – Toronto, ON- Frankford, Germany – Prague, Czech Republic-Frankford, Germany

May 1, 2011

My flight left from Toronto at 5:30 pm today.  I didn’t get a whole lot done this morning.  Just finished packing up, popped in at the garden centre for some good byes and stopped in Oakville for some last minute shopping stop.  I arrived 2 hours before as normal for an international flight.  One hour was spent in the Air Canada line to check in and the other was spent in the security line up.  When I made it to the gate I had about 5 minutes to buy a bottle of water and make a last minute phone call before boarding the plane.

                                                          May 2, 2011
I arrived in Frankford just after 7 am this morning and was greeted by a few young female airport attendants who collected all the passengers heading to Prague and Amsterdam and lead us onto a bus.  The bus drove us over to a building with customs and security and then another bus took the Amsterdam passengers right to the stair case of their plane and us to the gate for ours.  I saw inside of the Frankfort airport for about 10 minutes before boarding the next plane.  Due to the lack of sleep on the last flight I pretty much passed out for this one.  I only woke up for the granola and liquid yogurt breakfast that was served, and then fell asleep again.
I was still exhausted when I reached Prague.  My luggage showed up, a little bonus for this flight but the minibus that my teacher had advised me to jump on to take to the hostel, but I found a shuttle bus that went into downtown and jumped on that instead.  I had a little map I picked up at the kiosk in the airport to figure out where my hostel was.
When I arrived the sun was out but I was too tired to stay outside.  My room wasn’t ready yet and the only other person from the group that had arrived was out for the day already, but they let me up.  I took the blanket that I stole from the plane and threw it over the duvet that was there and curled up in a ball and slept until the cleaning lady came and changed the sheets so I could crawl into bed and continue to sleep the afternoon away. I woke up around 5pm Czech time and went to search out some WiFi.  I found a Starbucks a couple blocks away and hung out of the internet for a few hours.
When I made it back to the hostel/ dorm my roommate Renee had arrived and the rest of the class.  We all headed over the pizzeria at the end of the block for a some dinner and to hang out for our first night as a group.

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